CCNZ presented to the NZ House of Representatives Education and Workforce Select Committee on the Education (Vocational Education and Training Reform) Bill, calling for the legislation to include more of a focus on strong connections with employers and industry, increased recognition of on-job-training and the need to transition trainees into employment sooner.
Chief Executive Peter Silcock and Central Regional Manager Ross Leslie presented the CCNZ submission on the Bill on 23 October, following up on a written submission that proposed several changes which would substantially improve the outcomes of the Government’s Reform of Vocational Education.
CCNZ stated vocational training needed to have the specific aims of training people already in the workforce to meet the specific needs of employers, also transitioning those without jobs into work as soon as possible where specific employer-directed and supported training would continue. Creating this early link to an employer was key to ensuring training was relevant and added value, Mr Silcock said.
The full submission was recorded, and can be viewed online at the Education and Workforce Committee Facebook Page. CCNZ’s segment starts at the 47:20 mark.