The 79th Annual General Meeting of Civil Contractors New Zealand will be held as part of the CCNZ 2023 Conference - The Civil Contractors Conference, from 3.00pm to 4.00pm on Friday 1 September 2023. The meeting will be held in the Panasonic Room, Due Drop Events Centre, 770 Great South Road, Wiri, Manukau 2104.
1. Apologies and Condolences
2. Confirmation of 2022 AGM Minutes - click here to view
Resolution 1: That the minutes of the 78th AGM held on 4 August 2022 be confirmed as true and correct.
Includes President's Report, Chief Executive's Report
Resolution 2: That the CCNZ Annual Report including the Financial Statements for the period ended 31 March 2023 be approved and adopted.
4. Appointment of Auditor
Resolution 3: That Moore Markhams be appointed CCNZ’s auditor for the financial year ending 31 March 2024.
5. Election of Officers and Executive Council
a. Executive Council
The terms of office of Executive Councillors Orla Gallagher, Jeremy Dixon and Andrew Spittal expire at this AGM. There was also a vacancy remaining on the Executive Council from the 2022 election. There were therefore four positions up for election. Orla and Jeremy advised their intention to seek re-election, and both were nominated by the due date of 4 August. Andrew Spittal did not seek re-election.
Further nominations were received from Kerry Watkins (Fulton Hogan, Waikato) and Greg Lumsden (ADT Services, Palmerston North). There being four nominations for four positions on the Executive Council, no election is required. Therefore, Orla, Jeremy, Kerry, and Greg are duly elected.
b. Associate Councillor
The term of office of Associate Executive Councillor Gary Richardson from Hirepool expires at this AGM. Gary advised his intention to seek re-election and was nominated by the due date of 4 August. There were no other nominations. Therefore, Gary is duly elected.
6. 2023 to 2025 Strategic Plan – click here to view
Resolution 4: That the 2023-25 CCNZ Strategic Plan, circulated with the AGM papers, be approved and adopted.
7. General Business
Further information
If you are unable to attend the AGM, you can appoint a person who is attending the AGM as your proxy by completing the attached proxy form and returning it to by 5pm, Thursday 24 August 2023.
Download the proxy voting form>>
The process for voting is outlined in CCNZ's Rules of Incorporation.
While only contractor members and life members are entitled to vote at the AGM, we welcome any Core or Major Associate Members that would like to attend as observers.
Attendance and RSVPs
This year's AGM will be held as part of CCNZ National Conference, The Civil Contractors Conference. Members not attending conference are invited to attend the AGM. However we need to manage entry to the conference venue for health and safety reasons, and for catering purposes.
Please RSVP to if you intend to attend the AGM but not the conference, or to notify any apologies or condolences to be recognised at the meeting.
Kind regards
Alan Pollard
Chief Executive, Civil Contractors New Zealand
Mobile 021 576 109
Email: |