Our Organisation
Civil Contractors New Zealand gives members the opportunity to have their views heard and their interests represented at both local and national levels. At the local level, all members belong to one or more of CCNZ’s 12 branches. At the national level, all members can attend the annual conference and all branches are represented on the General Council which meets annually.
Executive Council
The Executive Council is CCNZ’s ten-member governing body, elected annually by members at the Annual Conference. The Council consists of the President, the Vice President, the Past President and seven Executive Councillors.
The Executive Council governs CCNZ during the year, carrying out policies agreed at the annual conference. It appoints the Chief Executive to manage CCNZ affairs and reports each year to the Annual Conference.
General Council
A national advisory body comprising the Executive Council and a representative of each branch (usually the chairperson and or secretary) and the national office team. General Council meets annually.
Our 12 branches provide an active network for contractors across NZ. Branches can put forward remits to the annual conference and nominate candidates for election.
Each branch is run by a committee elected by members at the branch annual general meeting. Branches meet regularly throughout the year and a part-time secretary administers branch affairs. Each branch handles local issues and they refer broader issues and risks to the national office.
National Office
CCNZ’s National Office in Wellington is managed by the CCNZ Chief Executive and a team of eight. National Office is responsible for managing CCNZ affairs and implementing policies and strategies set at the annual conference and by the Executive Council.
Technical committees
Civil Contractors New Zealand brings together knowledgeable people from across the country together to understand the technical knowledge that is needed to support quality infrastructure, a safe and healthy industry and a healthy New Zealand.