New Zealand’s civil contractors welcome the formation of New Zealand’s next government and congratulate the incoming Ministers across the three coalition partners.
Civil Contractors New Zealand Chief Executive Alan Pollard said businesses responsible for the physical construction and maintenance of the country’s transport, water, resilience and other infrastructure networks were eagerly awaiting detail on how the new government’s vision for the country would be put into action.
“We had opportunities to engage with the people who will take on the portfolios that affect us on the campaign trail, mostly while they were in opposition. We are confident they have the motivation, capability and experience to support our critical civil construction sector.”
He said contractors had heard a lot about the incoming government’s plans during the election campaign, particularly in the portfolios relating to infrastructure, transport, water, resource management, workforce and resilience to severe weather events.
New Zealand’s civil contractors were looking forward to working closely with the respective Ministers across these portfolios to achieve the best outcomes, not just for the civil construction industry, but for communities.
Despite this, more detail and engagement with the industry was needed on critical reform programmes in action, particularly around the direction the country’s water reforms would take under the new government.
Most contractors were positive about the work ahead, but needed more detail on where and when future projects would begin construction so they could prepare their businesses and ensure they had the right equipment and capability on hand, Mr Pollard said.
“Having a well-defined, committed, and funded programme of work is what gives the civil construction industry the confidence to invest in people and in new technologies. Taking a long-term view of infrastructure investment, and being more innovative with funding solutions for infrastructure works, needs to be a priority for this government.”