Available to members at a significantly discounted price. This document and other CCNZ documents related to bitumen handling and sprayer requirements are available at the BPG01 portal when you are logged in, and can be accessed via the members' dashboard or the link below.
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The New Zealand roading industry handles some 160,000 tonnes of bitumen annually, much of it as a binder for chipsealing – a practice in which New Zealand is a world leader.
To ensure safe handling of bituminous materials, the Best Practice Guideline: Safe Handling of Bituminous Materials used for Roading has been prepared to safeguard personnel working in the roading industry.
This 330-page guideline and the notes which accompany it sets out design, construction and operating practices, providing a guard against the special hazards of using bituminous materials during all phases of their storage, transporting, handling, and use as a binder in a pavement or road.
Originally published in 1982, this fifth edition is based on current industry best practice. It has been developed by Civil Contractors New Zealand (CCNZ) to record and communicate industry best practice in line with the recently implemented Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 and Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017.
It is designed as an online document accessible by a licence for access to ongoing updates as regulations change and best practices evolve.