Our thoughts go out to all of those affected by the recent severe weather events (most recently Cyclone Gabrielle), particularly to those who have lost family or friends, pets, property, or businesses. This has been a devastating period of extraordinarily heavy and sustained rain, and strong wind.
The havoc and devastation caused by these events will require a huge response from the civil construction industry. Amongst the tragedy, there are stories emerging of contractors who have done extraordinary deeds, particularly saving many lives. To those contractors, thank you for your bravery and your efforts. There is no doubt your communities are grateful to you for this.
We have reached out to members in the affected regions - especially Hawke's Bay and the East Coast - to check if members are OK, and how we can best support them. Once the initial response has concluded, recovery is going to be a major effort.
With the initial flooding events in Northland and Auckland, CCNZ maintained contact with members via the branches and our Northern Regional Manager, Calum Twist. We worked with the Construction Sector Accord and Dentons Kensington Swan, to develop project and contract guidelines dealing with the rights of contractors as a result of the disruption, and what actions were needed to protect the contractor’s position.
We also established an email address - FloodResponse@civilcontractors.co.nz - where contractors can submit queries to be included in subsequent guidance and response efforts. I encourage contractors to continue to use this email address to bring issues to our attention and let us know what's available to support response and recovery.
Then, as flood disaster recovery was in full swing in the north, Cyclone Gabrielle made its appearance. The impact of this cyclone far exceeded forecasts, battering already sodden Northland and Auckland, down through Coromandel and Bay of Plenty, before the full force slammed into Gisborne and Hawke's Bay, causing catastrophic damage.
CCNZ President Bailey Gair, Central Regional Manager Grant Radovanovich and I all live in Hawke's Bay. While we and our families are safe and well, as are our homes, we experienced the force of the cyclone. Bailey and Grant, in particular, live in communities adjacent to the severely hit Eskdale area, so have a good appreciation of the scale of this event. CCNZ staff have called all Hawke's Bay and East Coast members to check on their wellbeing, although many are still affected by communications challenges.
In Hawke's Bay, we understand there are many people still unaccounted for, often because rescue teams aren't able to gain access to certain areas due to slips and debris.
Co-ordination and regional leadership across the affected authorities hasn't always been smooth. Grant has been liaising with contractors on the ground, while I have spoken with the Mayor and CEO of Hastings District Council and the Napier Mayor to try and establish region-wide leadership and coordination. We have local contractors willing and able to help, given proper direction, and offers of assistance from neighbouring regions.
We are also in contact with Emergency Management Minister Kieran McAnulty’s office to try and ensure appropriate government influence over the response coordination. Finally, CCNZ has engaged with Waka Kotahi to ensure there is industry-wide coordination with the deployment of resources needed for the response, recovery, and rebuild.
CCNZ Communications and Advocacy Manager Fraser May and other staff have been compiling an inventory of people, machinery, and equipment that can be mobilised and deployed at short notice, also using the FloodResponse@civilcontractors.co.nz email address.
In the first instance, we have looked at what might be available from our Manawatu Whanganui and Wellington Wairarapa branches, given there is currently no road access to the Hawke's Bay East Coast region from the north and west. At this stage this initiative is just an inventory of availability; it is not a call for contractors to travel to Hawke's Bay or beyond.
These situations are still evolving. We will keep members updated on what will be needed for response and recovery when more information comes to hand. If you have concerns, thoughts or comments, please contact us:
General queries - FloodResponse@civilcontractors.co.nz
Alan Pollard, Chief Executive 021 576 109
Fraser May, Communications and Advocacy Manager 027 822 2107
Calum Twist, Regional Manager (Northern) 027 267 7112
Grant Radovanovich, Regional Manager (Central) 021 418 919
Eve Cooper, Regional Manager (South Island) 021 906 481
Kind regards
Alan Pollard
Chief Executive, Civil Contractors New Zealand |