To all CCNZ Canterbury/Westland contractor members
We are pleased to extend the opportunity to members to start/grow a relationship with a local school in your catchment, as outlined below, by supporting the installation of an Inzone Careers Kiosk.
Funding for this initiative is provided via CCNZ Canterbury/Westland centrally, so there is no additional cost to your business, other than a time commitment to be proactively involved and engaged.
Please provide your expression of interest to, and for which school, by close of business Friday 20th May, so that we can complete installation arrangements.
(Please note depending on responses there may be more than one business allocated to a school)
Should you have any specific queries please direct them to John Crawley on 027 2905340, or
CCNZ Canterbury Westland/Inzone Careers Coach and Kiosks 2022 Planning

About Inzone/Careers Coach
- CCNZ Canterbury/Westland has been financially supporting Inzone Careers kiosks in Canterbury schools for the past 3 years, and recently confirmed support for 5 schools for calendar year 2022
- Support is focused on attracting school leavers to our industry, as a way of partly addressing a shortage of up and coming employees
- Local support of each chosen school via CCNZ Contractor Members is critical to the success of the investment
- Careers Coach also attending our National Conference in CHCH
- Plato media content now loaded onto Coach/Kiosks
Which Schools?
- Greymouth High
- Ashburton High
- Rangiora High/Kaiapoi High (split year)
- Rolleston High
- Papanui High
Which Schools Strategy
- Inzone can also “tag” local supporting contracting company/ies as screen saver on kiosk in respective schools
- They will also be tagged “Proudly supported by CCNZ Canterbury Westland”
- Does not rule out CCNZ members also dealing with other schools in their region/catchment
The Opportunity
- Finalise which contracting companies to support each school
- Installations underway over next 3 weeks
- On or near the day - (school protocols allowing – ieCovid)
- New kiosk to be on stage at school assembly
- Careers Coach/personnel in attendance
- Branch Chair or delegate to attend and talk (Promote CCNZ/The Industry)
- Supporting Contractor & staff to also attend/interact/bring machinery
- Commit to follow up visits at least quarterly
- Exposure of schools/articles/supporting contractor in newsletter and on our Facebook Page
Wider Inzone/Careers Coach connectivity
- Recommended that CCNZ members also load job vacancies/cadetships etc on the MSD “Connected” WWW