Spray Distribution Test - TE01 In this test a bitumen bitumen sprayer is set to spray at a target rate, and is driven, with the spray bar operating,over a set of pre-weighed binder absorbent pads. $0.00 Members $50.00 Standard Price
Quality Assurance for Bituminous Binders (BPG04) This 12-page guideline covers the systems and procedures recommended by CCNZ for the quality assurance of bituminous binders used for pavement construction. $0.00 Members $18.00 Standard Price
Requirements for Bitumen Sprayers (BPG02) A 16-page digital guideline that sets out the requirements for bitumen sprayers in NZ. $0.00 Members $30.00 Standard Price
Dipstick Verification - TE03 This test determines the accuracy of a tanker dipstick by either filling or emptying the tanker with a known volume of liquid. $0.00 Members $50.00 Standard Price
Speed Control Verification - TE04 This test determines the accuracy of the indicated speed for a bitumen sprayer set to travel at the speed corresponding to a chosen application rate. $0.00 Members $50.00 Standard Price