You are invited to the CCNZ BOP Branch AGM
Friday 18th to Saturday 19th June 2021 at the NZ National Field Days Mystery Creek
Please join Ara Rau /Priority One for breakfast and a Mates presentation at Classic Flyers. Please RSVP in the link below.
Join us for nibbles and drinks from 5.30pm
Gather your workmates and come out to compete in our quiz night challenge
Tuesday 23 February 2021 @ 4:30pm
5:30pm Thursday 10th December 2020
Get your entry in now to be in for the Mimico Early Anglers Draw prize
We are lining up a number of branch meetings, site visits, and other activities throughout 2021/2022. Check this page regularly for updates.
Saturday 14th November 2020 Mystery Creek, Waikato