Our inaugural Hawke's Bay/East Coast CCNZ Branch Fishing Competition had to be postponed due to the impact of Cyclone Gabrielle but we are giving it another shot in 2024
Saturday the 10th of February 2024 at the Mahia Boating and Fishing club
Registrations - $30/person (inc GST), regos can be made online via our website (Online closes Wed 7th Feb) or at the Friday night briefing between 5pm and 8pm (Cash or eftpos available)
Briefing starts at 7pm, Friday the 9th Feb 2023
Final Weigh in 4pm - Refreshments from 5pm, Prize giving at 6pm
There are some great prizes up for grabs including 2 lucky angler prizes of rod and reel sets valued at $500 each thanks to Total Energies.
A boat registration will need to be filled in on Friday or Saturday before going out on the water.
All boats MUST have a member of Civil Contractors New Zealand on it to be able to enter, they can be any staff member of a CCNZ Member Company as long as that Member Company is a fully paid up CCNZ Member.
If you have a boat with spare spaces, you need a member or you are a spare member looking for a boat let us know and we will match you up with the right people.
We have added in the option of surfcasting so anyone can take part with or without a boat
Categories are: Snapper, Terakihi, Gurnard Kahawai, and Kingfish (NB Hapuka has been removed and replace with Kingfish)
Thanks to all our sponsors and supporters, if you want to know about sponsorship opportunities you can email mike.wilson@qrs.co.nz
AUCTION -Bid to win 2 spots on the Fishing and Adventure Boast with Scott and Mig (as seen on TV) thanks to our great mates at Hirepool! Click here to see more details and to make a bid (closes Tuesday 5th February and all proceeds go to Little Elms)
NB: All people who registered for the2023 comp will be transferred to this new date, if this doent work for you please let us know HBEC@civilcontractors.co.nz